Cashless Coges Systems represent an opportunity for the Operator who desires to offer to the locations an essential service such as the distribution of masks and other types of PPE, permitting the free distribution only to whom are entitled and by keeping under control in real time the product stock to avoid any lack or waste.
Discover our guide to solutions for dispensing masks and PPE with Coges payment systems.
While it seems that finally the health situation is coming back to normality, to speed up the passing of the crisis the public health authorities recommend the social distancing and where this is not possible , the adoption of Personal Prevention Equipment such as masks and gloves and the use of disinfectant gel. These necessary tools have become in short time integral part of our life even and moreover on the working place where every day we live in contact with colleagues, customers and suppliers. How to guarantee a precise safe and controlled distribution, of these devices to the employee? The channel of automatic distribution is surely one of the most suitable, as it avoids the direct contact between the persons and it hugely limits the risks of contamination. Furthermore, the public or private employer should not use some internal resources to these activities by subtracting them to much productive tasks.
Coges answer to this need with Coges Engine Plus and Unica System, which permit the vending operators to give a rapid answer to the Customers’ needs, by exploiting the vending machines already installed. On these payment systems it is possible to get some free sales by means of the MyKey or MIFARE supports on specific price lines, which could be devoted to the masks or to other EEP for the employees. Thanks to the controlled sales, furthermore, it is possible to limit the withdrawal of a defined number of PPE by day or by week, avoiding thus any waste. The same limit can be differentiated per key category /MIFARE, granting a higher number of PPE to some particular categories of employees who don’t have particular needs: for example maximum 3 masks per day could be distributed to the workers of the plant and 2 masks per day to the employees in the office, also exploiting the same vending machine. If the employer desires that the free distribution of masks occurs only during the working time, it is enough to set on the payment system some time schedules with differentiated prices as well (gratis/ on payment). Furthermore the Operator can add to his offer some high margin products such as the disinfectant gel, preventing the users from going to the pharmacy and buy them.
All the data concerning the distribution can be recorded by means of pendrive, but the activation of Coges Nebular connectivity service adds, in the case of the PPE as well, all the advantages of the remote management: first of all the possibility of monitoring the product stock in real time. In this way a constant level of supply can be guaranteed, also setting some alarms which warn when the reserve on a specific price nears to the minimum. Nebular, registers in real time all the sales, free sales included. The service permits to display on which vending machine the sale was carried out, and permits moreover to display on which vending machine the sale was carried out, the exact date and time of the withdrawal and even the serial code of the key or the MIFARE support which made the purchase. This precision contributes to avoid the abuses and to guarantee all the devices they are entitled. Nebular also helps to reduce the frequency and the length of the visit to the vending machines on the Operator’s side with time schedules, they can be updated directly by the office, Coges and Nebular time schedules can be remote updated directly by the office. Coges and Nebular payment systems permit the setting of the a different VAT among the different price lines, offering the possibility to sell food products not in the same vending machine (in this case it can be necessary the change of description on the site of the Income Revenue Authority).
Thanks to Coges and Nebular systems the Operator could supply a new service to his customers by using the vending machine already used, guaranteeing a monitor of the reserve of the distribution even with report which ca be exported. At the same time the employers and the employee could go on to operate with the maximum safety, with respect of the law and healthy needs.