Coges in the history of vending for forty years

Coges is proud to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of its history achieved this year.

January 18, 1977 was indeed the birthdate of COGES. Since then, the company has gone a long way and has experienced numerous changes, presenting a wide range of payment systems for automated distribution and becoming famous in Italy mostly for its ubiquitous “coffee key”. This only one of the reasons why Coges has been able to impress its footprint in the history of Italian and European vending industry.

Over the last forty years, technology has changed enormously, just like any other aspect of the global panorama of the vending market. The company’s passion and search for the most innovative solutions, however, together with the quality of the products and customer attention have not changed. Coges has continued to grow and innovate thanks to those who have always believed in it and who has lent their work to the company with absolute dedication over the years. Therefore all our customers, who relied on Coges even in the most complicated moments in the history of vending, deserve our most sincere gratitude.

This anniversary – that makes us so proud – is not only the most suitable time to share with the industry professionals the satisfaction for all the objectives achieved in these years, but above all it is the opportunity to treasure our past and transform it into a resource for growing together with the world of vending.

Tags: 27 June 2017
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